Tuesday, 24 November 2020


PUBG India Has Officially Registered Its Company With The Indian Government

As i has learned PUBG India Pvt. Ltd has officially registered itself with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
This means that PUBG Corp. has begun the process of setting up full-fledged operations within India.
Earlier this month, the South Korean company pledged to invest $100 Million USD in India.

Following the release of the ‘PUBG Mobile India’ teaser, there has been little to no new developments affecting the release of the popular game title. The status of the game is in limbo with reports stating that sources in the Ministry of Electronics and IT of India are claiming that “it will be difficult to grant any relaxation.”

RELATED:  PUBG Mobile Return Faces Hurdles From The Indian Government

However, it looks like things are moving swiftly behind the scenes, with PUBG Corporation seemingly taking yet another massive step on the road to the actual release of the game. PUBG India Private Limited has been registered as a subsidiary of a Foreign Company with the Indian government.

PUBG India Pvt. Ltd. officially registers its company with the Indian Ministry of Corporate Affairs 

As i has learned t

PUBG India Pvt. 

Ltd which is a 

subsidiary of a f

company has 

officially registered

 itself with the 

Ministry of 

Corporate Affairs

 on November 21. 

Kumar Krishnan Iyer and Hyunil Sohn are registered as the directors of PUBG India Pvt. Ltd. The latter is the Head Of Corporate Development at KRAFTON Inc. / PUBG Corporation indicating that PUBG India is likely a subsidiary of the above-mentioned companies.

It is likely that all transactions of PUBG Mobile India and other operations of PUBG Corporation will happen through this PUBG India subsidiary. Or to put it in other words, this means that PUBG Corp. has begun the process of setting up full-fledged operations within India.

PUBG Corporation’s $100 Million USD Investment Incoming?


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